Post by a new community website for the people of Hull.
News, Community, Sport, Business, Education, Nightlight,
No censorship unlike this is Hull.
Eye on Hull
Community site for the peopleo of Kingston upon Hull
Site under maintenance
Eye on Hull is currently under development but will be available
shortly. We are seeking partners to to participate in this venture,
contact *** Thank you for your patience.
My patience is wearing thin !!
I spent many happy days in Hull attending the college
in Queens Gardens, training to be a radio operator
(morse code) and subsequent employment on fishing
trawlers. Remember the bar in the 'Merchant Navy
Hotel' on the corner of Anlaby Road, where other
R.O.'s would meet.
When the 'fishing wars' between Britain and Iceland
were at their height I left Hull and joined a Greek
in Genoa - and for the subsequent 4 years sailed
all over the world (except Australia/New Zealand)
and have lots of photos and memories.