On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 18:01:51 GMT, "skidrow"
Post by skidrowit pop tonight... (Neo)rock will be on at 8pm as far as i know
neorock...that sounds goooooood....could be a good label if anyone
aint got it already :)
Screamingwitch has contributed as much as anybody to making the uk.*
hierarchy what it is today. uk.* would be boring without
screamingwitch, whether you support her, killfile her, or report her
to her provider for having hot lesbian sex with Phil Kyle.
So fucking create this fucking newsgroup, you baby-flaying fuckheads
who falsely imagine yourselves to be fucking net.gods, or else I'll
fucking trash your fucking froup!
Will that do?
Oh, and I hate Blob Blenchley too, if that helps.
P.S. The word "fuck" is on topic in this new froup, as are the words
"arse", "cunt", and binary files showing exactly how that slugfaced
arsewit Harry "I was only obeying orders mein Führer" Bloomfield sucks
the demon.local regs' cocks.
Seconders for my proposal?
What you delude yourself that you know is a dim, narrow panorama of
projected dysfunction from your abject failure of a life. Enjoy it,
shitwick. [sneeeeeeeeeeeeeer]
Rhyannon ARW
x-posting is accepted usenet protocol for replying to messages which
have already been posted to multiple groups.
how can one be sure that the person you are replying to reads one
particular group if you remove the x-post?
Steve Leyland alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
tilt, the
The ultimate prize on Usenet.
When a fellow poster TILTS they have completely lost all arguments
and must humble themselves before the group by smearing their genitalia
in syrup and adding duck down.
I summon stir and call ye up
Mighty One of Darkness
Destroyer of Worlds
Lord of Chaos
Bound by these words
Directed by my will
Devour mine enemy
They are your kill
Madness thee bring
Death be thy call
Blacker than night
Darkness must fall
With my Desire
By my Will
With this Sigil
My wish fulfil